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NDIS system Providers

Bringing together NDIS system providers and Nominees.

NDIS system Providers

Bringing together NDIS system providers and Carers.
Partner with us
Care Decisions

Partner with Australia’s largest NDIS system client matching service

Care Decisions is able to provide highly qualified new client referrals, matched to your organisation’s preferred NDIS client care & support needs, and servicable locations.

Importantly, Care Decisions only charges providers a client introduction fee if a referral results in a new NDIS participant commencing with your organisation.

Our service is 100% risk free for providers – no joining fee, no registration fee, no ongoing fees.

Care decisions

About Our Service

Care Decisions is a new service by the same group behind Aged Care Decisions – Australia’s largest care matching and referral service for families – helping thousands of families each month connect with aged and home care providers. 

We now assist families with all elements of the NDIS system journey – including shortlisting, matching and identifying an appropriate NDIS provider.

aged care service
Care Decisions
Partner in SERVICE

NDIS system providers

We work with innovative and forward thinking providers to facilitate quicker and easier NDIS system care for families.

In doing so we create a more efficient new client sales and marketing process – allowing providers to quickly understand the care & support needs of a potential NDIS client. 

What's the price?

Care Decisions charges an NDIS system provider if, and only if, a referral ends up as a NDIS participant. No participant, no fee. The Client Referral Fee is the same for every provider across Australia. Each NDIS Support Category has a set Client Referral Fee.

What's the cancellation policy?

An operator can cancel at anytime by providing 5 days written notice. A provider can switch service locations on or off from receiving referrals at any time by logging into the Care Decisions Provider Portal.

When does a provider pay?

The Client Referral Fee is payable only upon a participant commencing care.

Do you disclose your service fee to participants and nominees?

Yes, in all instances. We are fully transparent about how and when Care Decisions will charge a NDIS system provider. This detail is provided to clients and NDIS participants in their first interaction with Care Decisions, and at multiple points throughout the provider matching and shortlisting process.

Can we pay more to receive more referrals?

No. Transparency requires that the same Client Referral Fees applies industry wide. We do not recommend one provider over another. Rather, our role is to gather all relevant care & support information about a participant, and match potential participants to providers where a match exists on care need, support preferences & location.

How do we get started?

Simply fill out a one page NDIS system Services Registration Form, and we can have your organisation up and running on the same day. Register below.

An NDIS service provider registered with Care Decisions

  • Is listed on our internal database
  • Is available to receive NDIS client referrals
  • Is supported by our highly trained staff in working with our clients to ensure speedy service outcomes.



Provider Registration Request

In order to receive NDIS client referrals from Care Decisions your organisation must be registered. Complete this form to request registration. Registration requests are processed in the order in which they are received.

Is your organisation registered with the NDIS?

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